Halloween Pumpkin Carving Ideas & Free Stencils, Templates & Patterns

NFL / Football Player Halloween Pumpkin Stencil

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NFL Fans will love this pumpkin stencil to display their pride for the sport of Football on their Halloween pumpkins this year. 

Football Player Halloween Pumpkin Stencil

From a 10 year old to a 100 year old, football finds its fans among all age groups across the world. Also known as ‘American Rugby’ or ‘American Football’ NFL has probably the shortest season among all sports leagues in the USA. That does not seem to have any effect on its fan following though. It is also the high point of winter. Whether it is freezing, sowing or hailing – a Football game never gets cancelled. Another reason for all that protective gear!

Carve this classic pose of a football player on to your Halloween pumpkins. and pay a tribute to this loved sport as the players continue to enthrall through Halloween and beyond until well after the holiday season.

Download the NFL / Football Player Halloween Pumpkin Stencil